water compaintsWe hope everyone is well and still enjoying good clean and fresh filtered water in their showers. If you still haven’t joined the shower water filter revolution, then we invite you to please take a look at our website at PureShowers.co.uk and get on track to cleaner and healthier showers every day.
Today we’re going to look at a recent report that has been put out by the Consumer Council for Water (www.ccwater.org.uk) which is a UK public organisation who acts as a watchdog for the water industry. They investigate and handle complaints made from the general public about water suppliers in England and Wales.


The recent report into Complaints to Water Companies in England and Wales between April 2014 and March 2015 gives us all a really good insight into how our water companies are improving or in some cases going backwards.
As a whole it looks like we all are much happier with water companies than we have been in the last 10 years. At its peak in the last 10 years we made around 280,000 complaints about water companies in 2007/08, but this has fallen dramatically to just around 7,000 complaints in the years 2014 to 2015. That’s quite a good turn around in a decade and the water companies put this down to adopting a right first time ethos to their customer service.


When looking at the best and the worst water companies in the England and Wales in terms of numbers of complaints. We can squarely wag out finger and tut at Southern water who once again is the worst performing company for complaints per 10,000 connections which is the same position it held in 2012/13. On the other hand we can give the sound of one hand clapping to Wessex water who has lead the charge once again to be the company with the lowest number of complaints from water and sewerage per 10,000 connects. Congratulations Wessex water! Keep up the good work!


But what are we all really complaining about? Well, digging down into the nitty gritty of the numbers we can see that the way water companies are mainly letting us down is the billing and charges category. Around a staggering 61,000 written complaints were lodge about billing, which really pales to under 20,000 complaints being written about water service itself. So the water companies once again (because billing and charges were the main gripe in the previous year’s report as well!) are over charging us and not billing us correctly.


So it’s more important than ever to check your charges on each and every bill with a fine tooth comb! Don’t let the big water companies try to rip you off. And if you find that you have been over charged or billed incorrectly, don’t be afraid to write a written complain to the CCW – after all, that is why they are there and can generate this kind of score card about our water utilities.


If you find that you need to complain, then just head over to : http://www.ccwater.org.uk/adviceandcomplaints/ and follow the instructions.


Also here’s a link to the report if you’re keen to know more about the numbers: http://www.ccwater.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Complaint-Handling-in-the-Water-Industry-April-2014-to-March-2015.pdf


Hope this information has been helpful to our customers and keep enjoying your shower filters and shower water filters from us here at PureShowers.co.uk