UK's Top 5 Areas With Hardest Water - Is It You? How To Increase Shower Filter Water Pressure (Even If You Have Low Water Pressure)

Shower water pressure is one of those things that people tend to talk a lot about when they're discussing the quality of showers and their overall enjoyment when it comes to showering. Nobody wants to be in a situation where they walk into their shower, turn the shower water knob to their favourite warmth setting and are unceremoniously greeted with just a mere dribble of water out of their shower head to bathe under. In this situation a bucket probably would be even better! When showering we need a good flow of water to have an enjoyable experience, not only that - without a good stream of water and good shower head water pressure it's hard to wash off any soaps or shampoos we've used. We just end up fumbling around the shower with soap suds everywhere, one eye half closed, one eye stinging from shampoo dripping into our eyes, trying desperately to get enough water to just wash off all the soap and end this horrible shower experience.

In the infant days of shower filters this actually happened a lot - shower filters would often cause for a shower which normally had good shower water pressure to actually turn into a shower that had poor water pressure. That's because shower filter manufacturers used to use shower filter mediums and shower filter technology which blocked too much of the flow of water and thus caused a drop in water pressure. Thankfully those days are gone and now there are many ways which people can actually improve their shower water pressure when installing a shower filter.

So here are our top tips on how to increase water shower pressure in your shower with a shower filter:

Remove The Flow Restrictor

This is the fastest and easiest way to actually improve your water pressure in your shower without having to do very much. In most modern shower heads there is a little nifty gadget that is called a water flow restrictor. It usually sits in between where the shower head connects to the hose and what it does is pretty ingenious actually, it's a water saving device that limits the amount of water that can actually go through the shower head. Sounds great right? Saving the amount of water that is used, saves you money (because the water bill will be less) and also saves the environment (because water is a scarce natural resource). Though this little device which is a boon for those of us who have great water pressure in our showers already, is actually a hindrance for those of us who are experiencing poor water pressure in our homes. Think about it, if your water pressure is already bad and you have a device in your shower which is restricting the flow of water even more, well, that water pressure which was originally bad - starts feeling like showering in dew drops caught on leaves in the at morning dawn. Sounds romantic, I know - but it renders the shower head totally useless.

Our Paragon Luxury Hand-Held Shower Filter Head actually does have a flow restrictor in the handle and it's pretty much the same with most modern shower heads, so here's a small video of how we have easily removed it:

Pretty easy, huh? If you've just installed a new shower head or shower head filter and are finding that you're shower filter pressure has decreased, this is the first thing to do.

Turn Low Pressure Into High Pressure By Installing a Shower Head Which Increases Shower Water Pressure

OK - this tip is for those of you who have low water pressure already in your homes and want to turn your low water pressure shower into a high pressure shower. You can actually do this without having to install any pumps or machines, all you need to do is install a shower head that turns your low water pressure into high water pressure. Here at we have two shower filters that will do that for you:

Low Pressure to High Pressure Shower Head Shower Filter - Vitamin C Shower Filter Shower Head Low Pressure to High Pressure Shower Head Shower Filter - Ionic Shower Filter Shower Head
Low Pressure to High Pressure Shower Head Shower Filter - Vitamin C Shower Filter Shower Head Low Pressure to High Pressure Shower Head Shower Filter - Ionic Shower Filter Shower Head

If you look carefully at both these shower heads you will see something really special about the actually face of the shower head. On a traditional shower head the small nozzles that the shower head face has where water will come out through are actually quite large. With these low pressure to high pressure shower heads the holes have been bored through a sheet of metal with lasers. So they are actually quite tiny, so even if you have low water pressure, when the water tries to escape through these holes, they are so small that the shower head itself builds up pressure within itself and as the shower water passes through the face of the shower head - it is released with heightened pressure, voila! Instant increase in water pressure through science!

Here's a demonstration:


This type of shower head has been measured to actually be able to improve your shower water pressure by up to 200%. The only downside is that because the laser bored holes are quite tiny, if you live in a hard water area they can get blocked. So that's why it's important to purchase this type of shower head that has water filtering capabilities as well, as as our shower filters because the shower filter technology will filter the water before it reaches the head and will keep the shower head cleaner for longer so you don't have to clean it so often.

Clean Your Shower Head

We don't want to be judgey here or anything, but if your shower used to get great flow but now the pressure seems to be quite bad, it might just come down to the fact that the shower head nozzles might be a little blocked and that's stopping the water from flowing freely. We wrote an article about how to clean your shower head a little while ago, so we won't go over old territory - you can see the article here:

Though a great way to keep your shower head really clean is to make sure that only filtered water passes through the head itself! So installing a shower filter head or a shower filter between your shower water pipe and your shower head will make your water feel softer and remove calcium, magnesium and other particles from your shower water. So your shower head itself will stay cleaner for longer and won't get blocked up so much.

So there you have it! These are our top tips on how to turn your low pressure shower into a high pressure shower without having to do too much work and just by changing your shower head. We hope you've gotten something out of this article and if you have any other tips, please feel free to leave them in the comments below.